About Unlimited NUTS

Unlimited Nuts was established in 2015 to structure the Unlimited Group’s technical and commercial activities in the nascent South African almond industry. It had become clear that producers in South Africa had a limited choice of old varieties to choose from. Moreover, some of these varieties were not well adapted to allow sustainable economic production in all the different microclimates in the Western and Southern Cape. Therefore, there was a need to improve the availability of up-to-date almond genetics and at the same time develop the technical knowledge to support these varieties. 

Through its international network of almond breeders, Unlimited Nuts has imported, evaluated and released a range of exciting and affordable varieties and rootstocks to help build the almond industry. Our selection criteria include productivity, self-pollination, chill requirements, drought tolerance and of course, costs.

Having recognised the challenges that come with creating a new industry and the general lack of Almond growing know-how in SA, our approach has been to offer sound and consistent technical support to our producer-partners. Through farm visits, field days, webinars and trips abroad, our technical team is sharing the knowledge to build a successful almond industry in SA.  We are also Co-Founders and part of the Almond Association of SA.

Commercially Unlimited Nuts is active in exporting a range of South African grown tree nuts such as macadamia, pecans and almonds. We export nuts in the shell as well as kernel. We are also fostering close ties with local nut processors and packers to ensure that South African grown almonds are the preferred option for their requirements.


Our team is committed to assisting our producers with technical and on-farm technical assistance. They advise on varieties/rootstocks selection, planting densities, tree management and collaboration with nurseries and other experts. Furthermore, Unlimited Nuts have field days and grower days to transfer technical knowledge.  We are also collaborating with a Spanish Research institution (IRTA) in new research and developments in the almond industry.